Owen - BX5085 O84x 1681

(320) All that is of Argument in this .dory, is this, that there were ofold lime Bifhops, with one or two who would have been Bifhops,and couldnot, who to exalt and counte- nance themfelves againft thole who were preferred to Bifhopricks, before them, and above them, invented and maintainedfalfè doilrinal Principles,theconfeffion where- of they would have impofed on other Churches , and becaufe they were not admitted, they feparated at once from all other Churches in the World, but their own, con- demning them as noChurches, as not having the Sacra- ments or means ofSalvation ; for which they were con- demned as Schifmaticks ; therefore thofe who own not Subjection toDiocefan Bithops, by vertue of any Inftitu- tion or Command of Chrift, who refrain Communion from 'Parochial jrnblies, becaufe they cannot without Sin to themfelves, comply with all things impofedon them in the Woríhip of God, and Ecdefiaftical Rule, without judging their Bate, or the Salvation of their Members, are in like manner as they, guiltyofSchifine. But we have fixedgrounds whereon to Try, Examine, Judge and Condemne all schifines that are juffly fo cal- led, all fuch as thole before mentioned. If Separations arife and proceed from Principles offalfe DoCtrine and Errors, like thofe of the Novatians and Donatills; if they are occafionedbyAmbition and delire of Prehemi- nence, like thofe that fell out among the Bithops ofthofe days, when their Parifhes and claimes were not regulat- edby the Civil Power as now they are ; Ifthey do fo from a Defire to impofe Principles and Praecifes not war- rantedin the Scripture, on others, as it was withTertul- lian ; If for flight Reafons they rend and defiroy that Church