Owen - BX5085 O84x 1681

( 321 Church ftate and order which themfelves approve of; as it was with all the antient Schifmaticks, who were Bi- Jbops, or would feign to have been ; ifthofe that make them or follow in them deny salvation unto all that join not with them, and condemn all other Churches as be- ing without Gods Covenant, and the Sacraments as did the Donat f s, and thofè do, who deny thefe things unto all Churches who have not DiocefanBifhops ; if there be not a fùificient juftifiable Caufe pleaded for it, that thofe who make fuch a feparation cannot abide in the Communiòn which they forfáke, without wounding their ownConfciences, and do give Evidences oftheir abiding in the Exercife ofLove towards all the true Dif= ciples ofChrift, we are fatisfied that we have a Rule in- fallibly direhing us, to make a Judgment concerning it. Our Author adds, Se&. 26. p. 197, Another Ar- gument agrtinß this courfe of fparation is, that thef Grounds will make feparation endlef; which is to fippofë allthe Exhortations of the Scripture to 'Peace and :Unity among Chriiians, ufeleff. But why fo ? Is there.nothing in the Authority of Chrift, and the fenceofthe Account which is, to be given unto him, nothing iii the Rule of the Word, nothing in the works of the Miníftry, and exercife of Golpe! Difcipline, tokeepprofeéd Dipples of,Chrift unto their Duty, and within the bounds of order Divinely prefcribed unto them, unlefs they are fettered and flaked downwith humane Laws and Con- flitutions ? Herein I confefs I differ , itnd (hall do f6 whilft I am in this World from our. Reverend Author and others. To fay as he.doth, (upon a fuppofition of the taking away of humane Impofïtions; Laws and S f Canons) r