( ;22, ) Canons)thatthereare no boundsfit untofeparation but what the fancies of usen will dictate unto them, is difhonourable unto the Gofpel and fomewhat more. To fuppofe that the Authority of Chrift, the Rule of the Word, and the Work ofthe Minifrry, are not füffcient to prefcribe bounds unto feparation efficacioufly affeaing the Con- íciences ofBeleivers ; or that any other bounds can be aligned as obligatory unto their Confciences, is what cannot be admitted. The Lord Chrift hath commanded LoveandZJnion among his Difciples ; he hath ordained order and Communion in his Churches, he hath given unto them and limited .their Power, he bathprejcribed Pales whereby they and all their Members ought to walk ; he bath forbidden all schfiner and Diviilons, he bath appointed and limited all neceffary feparations, and bath 'truly given all the bounds unto it, that the Confciences of men are or can be affe&ed withal. But then it is faid, if this be all, feparation will be endlej, if filch a fèparation be intended as is an unlawful schifrne, I fay, it may be it will, even as Perfecution and other evils, fins and wickedneffes will be, notwithftanding his fevere Prohibition of them. What he bath done is the only means to preferve his own Difciples from all finful feparation, and is futficient thereunto. Herein lyeth the Original n2flake in this matter ; we have loft the Apprehenfion that the Authority of Chrfl in the Rule of his Word, and Worksof his Spirit, is every way fuffici- eat for the Guiding, Governing, and Preferving of his DIfciples, in the Church Order by him prefcribed, and the obfervance ofthe Duties by him commanded. It hath been greatly loft in theWorld for many Ages, . and therefore inf ead ofFaithful lielerial endeavours enforce a fence ofit on the Confciences ofall Chrifli- ans,,