Owen - BX5085 O84x 1681

( 3 2 3 ) ans, they have been let look from it, through a confi- dence in other deviifis,to keep themunto their Duty and Order. And ifthefe devifes, be they eccle(iaflical Canons or Civil Penalties, be not enforced on them all, the World is made to beleive, that they are left unto the dictates oftheir ownfancies and Imaginations,as ifthey had no concern in Chrift or his Authority, in this matter But for my part I ¡hall never delire, nor endeavour to keep any from schifnne or feparation, but by the was and meansof Chrifts appointment, and by a fenfe of his. Authority on their own Confciences. The remainder of his Difcourfe on this Head, con- fifts in a Tepid Drainitical Oration, framed and feigned for one of his Oppofers wherein he makes him under- take the patronage ofSchifm before Cyprian and .Auir-. The Learned Perlon intended is very well able to de- fend and vindicate himfelf, which I fuppofe alto he will do. In the mean time I cannot but fay two things. (z.) That the.Impo(ition on him of extenuating the Guilt ofany real schifin, is that which none ofhis Words do give the lea¡t countenance unto. (2.) That the Doctors attempt in his feigned Oration to accommodate, hie' Principles, or Ours, unto the cafe of the Donat f s for their Juftification, (the weaknefs whereof is evident to every one who knows any thing ofthe cafe oftheDonatiJls,) is finch an inftance ofthe Po- wer of Intereft, a defign to maintain a Caufe, caufelefs- ly undertaken, by all manner ofArtifices and Preten- ces, prevailing in the minds ofmen otherwife Wife and Sober, as is to be lamented. S f 2 We