Owen - BX5085 O84x 1681

( 324 ) We come at length in the 5th. place. Sec`s: 28.p. 209. unto that which is indeed ofmore importance duly to be confidered, then all that went before. For as our Author obferves, it is that, wherein the Conflict/as ofmen are concerned. This Argument therefore he takes from. the Obligation which lyes upon all chriflians to preferve the peace and Unity of the Church. For the confirmation of' this Argument, and the Applicationof it unto the cafeofthem who refrain from total Communion with our parochial .1.11emblies which alone is the cafe in hand, he lays down fundry f ppoitions, which I fháll confider in their Order , although they may be all granted without any difadvantage unto our Caufe. But they will befo the better, when they are rightly Prated. r. His firfr fuppofition is, that Chrìfiìans areunder the ßrh7ejl Obligations topr.efeerze the Peace andUnity of the Church. -This being the foundation ofall that follows, it mutt be rightly fated. And to that end three things may be enquired into. (i.) What is that Church, whofe Peace and Unity we are obliged- toprefèrve.. For there are thofe who lay the firmeft claim unto the Name,, Power, and Tri- viledges of the Church, with whom we are obliged to have neither peace no Unity in the Worship ofGod. /2.) What is that peace and Unity which we are fo; obliged to preferve. (3.) By what means they are to be preferved._ t. We are obliged to follow peace with all`men,,to feek`Peace and`purfue it, and if it be poble to livepeace ably withall wn.. 2 There