( 315 ) 2. There is a peculiar Obligation upon us, to fcek the Peace and profperity of the x hok vifiitle Church of Chrift on Earth, and therein as we have Opportunity, to do good unto the whole houfhold of Faith. And confïdering what Differences , what Divifions, what Exafperations there are among Profeffors of the Name of Chrift all the World over, to abide ftedfaft in feek- ing the Good of them all, and doing Good unto them, as wee have opportunity, is as evident an indicationof Gofpel Love, as any thing elfe whatever can be. (3.) As untoparticular Churches, there is an efpecial Obligation upon us, to preferve their Peaceand Unity from our own voluntary content, to walk in them in Obedience unto the Commands ofChrift. Where this is not, we are left untathe general Obligation of feeeking the 'Peace of all men, and of the whole profefiang Church in an efpecial manner, but have no other pe- culiar obligation thereunto. For being cati into Chur- ches of this or that form, meerly by humane Conftituti- ónsand Laws, or by inveterate Traditions , lays no newobligation upon any to Peek their Peace and "Uni- ty ; but whillt they abide in them,, they are left unto the influence ofother general Commands whichare to be applied unto their prefent circucnftances. For into what fiate or condition foever Chriftians are caft, they are obliged to live peaceablywhilft they abide in it. 2. It may be enquired what is that Peace and unity ofthe Church, that we are boim1 to preferve. There may.. be an Agreement, with Tome kind of Peace andUnity. in Evil. They are highly pretended unto in the Church ofRome, but they are fo in Idolatry, Superftition and Heretic . Theremay, be Peace. and Unity, in anyfalfe and.