( 3 26 ) and heretical Church ; the Unity of Simeon and Levi, 'Brethren in Evil. But the Peace andUnity which we are obliged to obferve in particular Churches, is the Confent and ,/agreement ofthe Church ingeneral and all'the e"- Wembers ofit, walking under the concduc`i of this Guide in a due obfirvation of all the lnliitutions andCommands of Chri. , performing towards the whole and each other, the mutual Duties required by him, from a Principle of Faith and Love. This, and this alone, is that Dnity and Peace, which we are peculiarly obliged to preferve in particular Churches, what is more then this, relates unto the general Commands of Love, Unity and Peace before mentioned. 3. Wherefore idly, This Bates the means whereby we are to preferve this Peace and Unity; for we are not to endeavour it, (t.) By a Neglect or Omiffion of the obfervance of any ofthe Commands ofChrilt. Nor, (2.) By doing or praeli(/ng any thing in divineWor- fhip which he hath not appointed. Nor, (3.) By partaking in other mens fins, through a neg- leïl of our own duty. Nor, (q..) By foregoing the means of' our own Edification which he Commands us tomake ufe of. For thefè things have no Tendency to the Prefervation of that Peace, and his third fuppofition, is, That nothing can d f harpe a Chriflian from the Obligation to Communion, with his fel- lowmembers, but what is allowedby chrift or his .441les, or afzffacient Reafon ofit. It is fullyagreed unto, where a man is a member ofany Church of Divine Inftitution by his own Confent, and virtual confideration, nothing can difcharge him, from Communion with that Church, but