Owen - BX5085 O84x 1681

(327) but what is allowed by Chrift as a fufficient Reafon for it. But a little farther Enquiry may be made into thefe things ; It was before afferted that all things lawfidwere to be done for the Prefervation of the Peace of the Church. Here it is pleaded that there are many Obliga- tions onus, to preferve its `,Peace and Unity. I defire to know, unto whom thefe Rules are Obligatory ? who they are that ought:to yeild Obedience unto them ? If it be laid, that there Rules are not prefcribed unto the 1ulers andGuides of the Church, but unto them only who are under their Condu&, I defire a proof ofit, for at the firlt veiw it is very abfurd. For as the prefirvati- on of the Peace and ZJnity of the Church, is properly in- cumbent on themwho are the Rulers ofit, and it is con- tinually pleaded by them that fo it Both, fo all the Rules given for that End, do or fhould principally and in the firft place, affen them, and their Confciences. And thefe are the Rules of their Duty herein which are laid down by the Dr. I defire therefore to know, that fince there are fuch obligations on us to preferve the Peace and Unity of the Church, that for that End we muß do what we lawfully may; whether the fame Rule doth not obligeus to forbear the doing of what we may lawfully forbear, with refpe&unto thefame End.. Naythis Ob- ligation offorbearing what we may do, and yet may for- bear todowithout fin, for the Peace and Unity of the Church, efpecially when any would be offended with our doing that which wemay lawfully forbear to do, is exemplified in the Scripture, confirmed by Commands and Inftances, is more highly rational, and lees expofed unto- danger in. Praife, than the other of doing what we cdn.. Now