( 318 ) Now things that are not neceffary in thenrfelver, nor neceffary to be cbferved by a jutt Scandal and Offence in Cafe Oftheir omiflion, -are things that may be Law- fully forbore. Suppofe now the Miles infifted on to be given principally and in the firft place unto the Rulers ofthe Church; I defire to know whether they are not obliged by them, for the prefervation ofthe 'Peace and `unity of the Church., to forbear the impel/Hon of filch thingson the praerifè of the whole Church in the Wor- fhip of God, as being-no way neceílàry in themfelves, nor füch wholeomifíion or the omiflion of whofè Impo- fition, can give Scandal or Offence unto any, if they are obliged by them fo to do, it will be evident where the bhrrne of the Divifion amongft us muff Lye.. To fay they are not obliged hereunto by venue of thefe Rules, isto fay, that although the prefervation ofthe Peaceand Unity ofthe Church- be incumbent 'on them ina parti- cular manner, and the chiefofthem can affign no other End of the office they lay Claim. unto; but only its ex- pediency, or as is pretended, its neceffity unto the pre- feerz'ation ofthe peace and lJnity of the Chnrcch ; Yet they are not by vertue of any Divine Rules obliged there- unto. But it feemes to me fomewhat unequal, that in this Conteft about the prefervation of the Peace of the Church, we fhould be bound by Rules to do all that ire can, whatever it be, and thofe who differ from us, be left abfolutely at their liberty, fo as not to be obhged to forbear, what they may lawfully fo do. But to pro- ceed. Upon theffnppolition.r and intheConfirmation of them, .the D. produceth a paflàge out. of Irenæus, whofè im- partial Confideration he chargeth on us with great So-. . lemnity