Owen - BX5085 O84x 1681

( 3 29 ) lemnity, as we Love our own Souls. Now although that pafage in that great and Holy Perron, be not new unto me, having not only read it many a time in his book, but frequently met with it urged by Tapirls a- gain, all Protefiant,. Yet upon the Drs. intimation, I have given it again the Confideration required ; The Words as they Lye in the Author are to this purpofe. We(hall alfajudge then, who make Sch f es being vain (qui fùnt immanes, or inanes) not having the Love ofGod, ra- ther conlidering their ownProfit,than the`unityofthe Church; whoforifinall or any caufes, rend and divide the Glorious body of Chris'', and as much as in them yes df/roy it !leaking Peace but deigning War, ./raining at a Gnat,and finallowing a Camel. For there can be no rebuke of things by them, to equal themifehiefof Schifare. Lib. q.. cap. 62. I know not why he íhould give us fuch a feevere Charge for the impartial Confideration of thefe words; that as we love our fouls ; we fhould impartially and without prejudice confider them ? We hope that out ofLove to the Truth, the Glory of Chrif}, and Care of our own Souls, we do fo Confider, and have long fince fo con-- fidered, whatever belongs unto the Caufe wherein we ingaged, and the Oppol/tions that are made unto it. Nor will we be offended with any, that Ihall yet Call on us to perfift and proceed in the fame way. But why fuch a Charge Ihould be laid on us with refpe& unto there words of/reineus, I know not. For although we great- ly value the Words and Judgment of that Holy `Per/n, that great Defender of the Myftery and Truth of the Gofpel, and ofthe Liberty ofthe Churches from unwar- rantable impoftions, yet it is the Word of Chrift and T t his