Owen - BX5085 O84x 1681

( 330) his Apoflles alone, whereby we muff be regulated and determined in thefe things, ifwe Love our own 'Olds. $elides ! What are we Concern'd in them; is every Separationfrom a Church a Schifine ? Our Author íhews the contrary immediately; Is refraining Communion in a Church [fate not ofDivine Inflitution, and in things not prefcribed by the Lord Chrift in the Worfhip of God, holding Communion inFaith and Love with all the true Churches ofChrift in the World, a damnable schifine, or any Schifme at all ? hath the Reverend Author in his whole Book once attempted to prove it tobe fo, though this be the whole ofthematter in difference between us ? Is our Forbearance of Communion in 'ParochialAfmblies upon the Reafons before pleaded, efpecially that ofhu- mane impolitions, of the fame Nature with the schifine from the whole Catholick Church, without pretence of any fuch Impofitions ? Doth he judge us to be fuch as have noLove unto God? fuch as prefer our ownprofit be- fore theUnity ofthe Church ? I heartily wifh and pray, that he may never have a [hare in that profit and advan- tage which we have made unto our felves by our princi- ples and pra&ife. Poverty, Diftrefs. Ruine toour Fa- milies, Dangers, Imprifonments, Revilings with Con- temptuous reproaches , Comprize the profit we have made unto our felves. Is our refraining Communion in Tome outward Order, Modes and Rites ofMens inftituti- on,our want of confcientious fubmifriion unto the Courts of Chancellours, Cammfries, Officials, &e. a rending and destroying of the glorious 'body ofChrili? is it Ce- mented, United, and Compa6ted or fitly framed together by thefe things ? They formerly pretended to be his Coat, and mutt they now be efleemed to be his glorious Body,, when they no way belong., unto the one er.