(331) or the other. Is the Applicationof there things unto us, an effeet of that Love, Charity and Forbearance which are the only preventive means of schifnze, and whereof if men are void, it is all one upon the matter whether they are schifinaticks or no, for they will be fo when it is for their Advantage. Wherefore we are not concern- ed in there things. Let whofoever will declare and ve- hemently affert us tobe guilty of Schirme, which they cannot prove, we can cheerfully fubfcribeunto there Words of Ircnæus. It may not be impertinent on this occafion todelireof fome others, that as they Love their own souls, and have compafiìon for the Souls ofother men ; they would le- rioufly confider, what fate and Condition things are come unto in the Church ofEngland ; how much Igno- rance, Profanenefs, Senfuality, do fpread themselves over the Nation ; what Negleít of the molt important Duties ofthe Golpe! ? Yea what fcoffing at the power of Religion doth abound amongft us? What an utter decay and log there is of all theprimitive Difcipline of the Church, what Multitudes are in the way ofEternal Ruin, for want of due Inftru&ion and Example from them who fhould lead them ; How great a necefiìty there is of an univerfal Wcformation, and how fecurely Negligent ofit, all forts of Perlons are ? What have been the pernicious Ef e&s of impofng things unneceffary and unfcriptural on the Confciences and Pra&ifes of menin the Worfhip of God, whereby the Church bath been deprived of the labour of fo many faithful Mini- fters, who might have at leafs afifted in preventing that Decay ofReligion which every day encreafeth amongus; How eafie a thing it were for them, to reftore Evan- T t 2 gelical