0332) gelical 'Peaceand unity amongfl all Proteftants, without the lofs of their Miníftry, without the diminution of their Dignity, without deprivation ofany part of their Revenues, without the Negled of any Duty, without doing any thing againff their light and Confciences, with refped unto any Divine Obligation; and thereon fet themfelves ferioufly to endeavour the Remedy of thefe and other Evils ofthe like nature, under a fenfe of that great Account which theymuff fhortly give before the Judgement feat of Jefus Chrií}. He proceeds to. Confider the Cafes wherein theScripture allows ofSeparation, which- he affirms to be three. The Ertl is in Cafe of Idolatrous. Worfhip. This none can Queffion, they do not fee, from whom yet we all feparate as from Idolaters. The fecond is in Cafe of falfe Dolirine being impo- fed inflead of true ; which he confirms with fundry In- fiances. But there is a little Difficulty in this Cafe, for, (r.) It is uncertain when a Doctrine may be laid to be inrpofeed. Is it when it is taught and preach'd by the Guides and Governours of the Church, or any of them without controul ?, if fo, then is fuch preaching a:fuffici- ent caufe ofSeparation, and will juffifie them who do at prefent feparate from any Church, wholeMinifters preach fälle Doc`lrine. How fall Doecrine can be otherwife im- paled I know not, unlefs it be, by exaEfing an exprefs Confeffion ofit as Truth. (2.) What fa f Doctrine it is, which is of this Impor- tance, as to luftifie Separation, . is not eafily determi- nable. (3.) Ifthe Guides and Gavernours of the Church do teach