( 333 teach this falfe Doctrine, who [hall judge of it, and de- termine it fò to be, and that ultimately, fo as to fepa- rate from a Church thereon, [hall the `People do it them- felves ? are they meet? are they Competent for it ? are they to ,make fuch a Judgement on the Doctrine oftheir Guides ; do they know what is herefie ; have they read Epiphanius or Binius? How comes this allowance to be made unto them, which elf where is denied ? The Third is; in Cafe Men make things indifferent veceffary to Salvation and divide the Church on that account. But, (i.) I know not which is to precede or go before, their Divi[ion ofthe Church, or the juji separation, nor how theyare to be diftingui[hed ; but it was neceffary to be fo expreffed. (2.) There are two things in fuch an lmpo(ition, firft the practife ofthe things impofed , Secondly the Judge- ment ofthem that impofe them. The former alone be- longs unto themwho are impofed on ; and they maym o- mit unto it, without a Compliance with theDo trine, as many did in theApoftles days. Forr the yudgement ofthe impofers,it was their own Errour and concernment only. (3.) Why is not the impofing of things indifferent, fo as to make the obfervation of them neceffary unto mens Temporal Salvation in this World, fo as that the Refufal ofit, [hall really affect the Refuters with Trou- ble and Ruine, as juft . a Caufè of Separation, as the impofing ofthem as neceffary unto Eternal Salvation, which [hall never affect them., (4.) This making things indifferent neceffary unto. Salvation, and as fuch impofing of them on others, is a thing impoffible, that never was, nor ever can be. For is. the Judgment of the Impofers that is fpoken of; and