Owen - BX5085 O84x 1681

( 334 ). to judge things indifferent in themfIves, to be in them- felves necefary to Salvation, is a Contradiftion. If only the Judgment ofthe Impofers that fuch things are not in- different, but neceffary to Salvation, be intended, and otherwife the things themfelves may lawfully be impofed, I know not how this differs from the Impofition ofindif- ferent things, under any other pretence. In his following Difcourfe concerning m f arriages in Churches, where no Separation is enjoyned, wearenot at all concerned, and therefore Ihall not obferve the miftakes in it, which arenot a few. But may there not be other Caufes of peaceable with- drawing from the Communion ofa Church, betides there here enumerated ? (r.) Suppofe a Church fhould im.pofe the Obferva- tion of7udaical Ceremonies and make their oblèrvation neceffary, though not to Salvation, Yet unto the Order andDecency ofDivine Worfhip. It may declare them to be in themfelves indifferent ; but yet make them ne- ceffary tobe obferved. Or (2.) Suppofe a Church fhould be fo degenerated in the Life and Converfation ofall its Members, that being im- merfed in various fins, they fhould have only a formof Godlinef, but deny thepower ofit ? the Rule of the A- poftle being toavoidand turn awayfrom them. (;.) Suppofe a Church be fdlen intofilch decayes, in Faith, Love, and fruits ofCharity, as that the Lord Je- fus Chrift by his word, declares his Difapprobationof it, and in that State refufes to reform itfelf, and perfecutes themwho would reform themfelves ; Or (4.) Suppofe the eWinifiry of any Church, be fuch as is