Owen - BX5085 O84x 1681

335 ) is infufficient and unable to difpenfe the Word andSacra- ments unto Edification, fo as that the whole Church may perifh as unto any Reliefby or from the Adminiftration ofthe Ordinances oftheGofpel ? I fay in thefe and fuch other Cafes, a peaceable withdrawing from the Com- munionoffuch Churches, is warrantable by the Rule of the Scripture. SECT. III. THE third Part of the Drs. Difcourfe he defigns to examine the 'Plea as he fpea Zs, for Separation. And thefe he refers to four Heads, whereof the firft refpe&s the Conflitution of the Church. And thole . which relate hereunto are four alto. (I.) That `Parochial Churches are not ofChrills Infli- tution. (2.) That DiocefanChurches are unlawful. (3.) That our National Church hath no Foundation. (4.) That the People are deprivedof their Right in the Choice of their Taflors.. The firft of thefe, Namely that our Parochial Churches are not of,Chrifts Inftitution, he begins withal, and therein I am alone called toan Account. I wonder the Dr. íhould thus slate the 2aeeflion between us. The meaning of this Affertion, that our Parochial Churches are not of.Chrifts'Init}itution, mutt be either, they are not