Owen - BX5085 O84x 1681

2. The Preface. be ofthe fameMind ; p.267. But they fay, that after the Deceaf ofthe Apojiles there were Tome appointed to fucceed them in that part of their Office, which concern- ed the Rule ofmany Churches. And this they fay was done for theprevention ofSthifine,but with ill fuccefs ; For as Clemens affirms that the Apoftles forefaw that there wouldbe Strife and Contention about F_pif opacy, even when it was confined unto its Original Order, becaufè ofthe Ambition ofDiotrephes and others like .him; fo it became - much more the caufe"ofall forts o_ fDiforders in Schifines and Herefes, when it began to exalt it feltin Dignity and Reputation. The firft exprefs Attempt to corrupt and divide a Church, made from within itfelf, was that in the Church ofFlie ufalem, made byThebulis, becaufe Simon Cleopas was chofen Bithop, and hewas re- fufed ; Erffeb. lib. 4. cap. 2 I. The fame Rife had the Schifmes oftheNovati.Ins and Donatifis, the Heretics of Anus andothers. Neither is thereany thing certainin this pretended Succeffion of fomePerlons unto the Apo- files in that pari of their Office which concernsthe Rule of many Churches by one Overfeer. No Intimation of any fuch Appointmentby the Apoftles, or any of them, no record of the concurrenceoftheChurches themfelves, in and unto this Alteration, can be produced. Nor is there anyAnalogy between the extraordinary Power of every Apoftle over all Churches, and care for them, and the ordinary Power ofa Bithop over a fmall Num- ber, whichLot or Accident difpofeth unto him. Be- fides it cannot be proved, no Inftance can be given, or bath been forthe fpace of 200 years or until the end ofthe feconcd,Centuiry, ofany one Perlon who had the care of moreChurches than one coiiimittedunto him,or did take the charge of themonhianfel:Butwhereas this changedid fall