( 336) notfo becaufe they are `Parochial, or at leafs in that they are Parochial. But is this my judgement, have I Paid any thing to this purpofe ; yea he knows full well, that in my judgment there are no Churches direélly of di- vine Inftitution, but thofe that are Parochial or parti- cular Churches. We are not therefore to expect much in theenfuing difputation, when the ftate ofthe Quefhi- on is fo miftaken at the entrance. Ifhe fay, or intend, that there aremany things in their Parochial Churches , obferved, prac`lifed and impofed on all their members, in and about the Worfhip ofGod, which are not of divine inftitution, we grant it tobe our judgment, and part of our plea in this cafe. But this is not at allfpoken unto. Wherefore the greateft part ofthe enfuing difcourfe on this Head , is fpent in perpetual diver(ions from the ftate ofthe cafe under confederation, with an attempt to take advantage for fome reflec`.lions, or an appearance offuccefs, from fome pafláges and expreffions , belong- ing nothing at all unto the merit ofthe caufe ; a courfe which I thought fo Learned a Perfon would not have taken, in a cafe wherein Confcience is fo nearly con- cerned. Some viifia4s occurring in it, have been already reed- fied ; as that wherein he fuppofeth that my Judge- ment isfor the Democratical Government of the Church 5 as alto what he alledgeth in the denyal of the gradual de- cicn(ion ofthe Primitive Churches, from their firft origi- narInftitution bath been examined. I fhall