Owen - BX5085 O84x 1681

( 3 37 ) I (hall therefore plainly and directly propofe the things which I affert and maintain in this part ofthe Controverfie; and then Confider what occurrs in oppo- fition unto them, or otherwife feems to be ofany force towards the End in general of charging us with Schifine, and they are there that follow. z. `Particular Churches or Congregations, with their Or- der and Rule are of Divine inflitution, and are fuffici- ent unto all theends of Evangelical Churches. I take Churches and Congregations in the fame fence and noti- on as the Church ofEngland doth, defining the Church by,a Congregation ofBeleivers,otherwife theremay be oc- cafional Congregations, that are not fated Churches. 2. Unto there Churches, there is committed by Chrif himfelf, all the ordinary *power, and priviledges that be- long unto any church under the Gofßel, and ofthem is re: quired the obfervance of all Church Duties ; which it is their fin toomit. 3. There is no Church ofany otherform, kind, nature or conflitution, that is ofDivine inflitution. Things may be varioufly ordered in and amongf Chriftians 5 or their Societies may be caf, or difpofed of; into fuch re- fpeaive Relations to, and dependance on one another, in compliance with the political State, and other cir- cumfances of Times and Places, as may be thought to tend unto their advantage. That which we affirm is, that no alteration of their fate from the nature and kind ofparticular Churches is of divine inflitution. 4. Such Churches whole frame, conflitaiiion andpower, U u are