Owen - BX5085 O84x 1681

ç 3 3 8 ) are de.ftriElive of the Order, Liberty, Power, Privi- ledges and Duties ofparticular Churches, arefo farr con- trary unto divine Institution, and not to be complÿdwith - all. Hereon we affirm, That whereas we are excluded from total Communion in our Parochial ,fffemblies, by the impofition of things unto us unlawful and finful, as indifpenfible conditions oftheir Communion, and can- not complywith them in their Rule and Worfhip on the reafons before alledged, it is part ofthe Duty we owe to Jefus Chrift, to gather our felves intoparticular chur- ches or Congregations, for the celebration ofDivineWor- Ihip, and the obfervation , doing, or performance of all his Commands. Thefe are the things which in this cafe we adhere unto, and which mutt all ofthem be overthrown, before any colour can be given unto any charge ofSchifsn againft us, and -what is fpoken unto this purpofe in the Drs.Difcourfe, we (hall now confi- der. Only I clef-ire the Reader to remember, that all thefe Principles or affertions, are fully confirmad in the preceding difcourfe. That which firft occurs in the Treatife under confi- deration unto the point in hand, is the exception put in unto a paffage in my former difcourfe, which is as follows. We do not f y that becaufi Communion in Ordinances ,would be only in "itch Churches as Chrihhi hath instituted, that therefore it is lawful and neceffary to feparate from Parochial Churches; but if it be on other grounds necery f tofeparate or withhold Communion from them, it is the Duty