Owen - BX5085 O84x 1681

3 3 9 Duty ofthem that do fo, to joyn themflees in or untofame otherparticular Congregation. I ha ve not obfervéd any occafion wherein the Dr. is more vehement in his Rhetoric,, then he is on that of this, paffage, whichyet appears tome to be good fence and innocent. i. Hereunto he Pays, (I.) p. 22!. That this is either not to the bu inefs; or it is a plain giving up the caul of Independency. If he judge that it is not to the bull- nefs, I cannot help it, and he might as I fuppofe have done well tohave taken no notice ofit ; as 1 have dealt with many paffages in his Difcourfe. But if it be a giving up of the caufe of Independency, I fay whatever that be, let whofo will take it, and difpofe of it as it Teems good unto them, but inproofhereofhe Pays. (i.) Wherefore didthe dénting Brethrenfo much in -lift upon their feparate Congregations, when not one ofthe things nowparticularly alledged again our Church was re- quired ofthem. 1 Anfwer, (i.) ifany did in thofe times plead forfiparate Con- gregations, let them anfwer for themfelves, Iwas none of them. They did indeed plead for diflina Congre- gations, exempt in fome, few things, from a penal Rule, then endeavoured by fome tobe impofed on all. But there was no fuch difference nor reftraint ofCommuni- on between anyof them, as it is at prefent between us and Parochial Churches. Ûu2 (2) It