Owen - BX5085 O84x 1681

( 340 ) (2.) it is very poffble that there may be other rea- fors of forbearing a conjunhíon in force as ofChurch Rule, which wasall that was pleaded for by the dilnt- ing Brethren, then thofe which aré alledged againft to- tal Communionwith `Parochial Churches in Worfhip, Or- der and Difcipline. 2. He adds fecondly, but if he inrfs on thofe things common to our Church with other reformed Churches, then they are fuch things as he fuppofes contrary to the first inftitution ofChurches, &c. /fear /donot well underftand what this means, nor what it tends unto, but according as I apprehend the fence of it; h fay CO I infift principally on finch things as are not com mon unto themwith other reformed Churches, but fuch as are peculiar unto the Church of England. Thefe vary the terms and practice of our Communion , between them and it. 2. The things we except againft in Parochial Chur- ches, are not contrary to their firft inftitution as Paro- chial, which as hath been proved is the only kind of Churches, that is of divine inftitution; but are contra- ry unto what is inffituted to be done and obferved it fuch Churches ; which one obfervationmakes void all that he would inferre from the prefent fuppofitions ; as, 3. He enquireth hereon, what difference there is be- tween feperating from our Churches, becaufe Communion in Ordinances is onely to be enjoyed infuch Churches, as Chrift bath inJlituted, andfeparatingfrom them, becaufe they have things repugnant unto thefi`rf inftitution ofChttrrhes. The