Owen - BX5085 O84x 1681

( 341 ) 'e laid on all the Members ofthem, This is the primary Caufe pleaded herein. But becaufè the Dr. propofeth a Café on thole f ppofa- lions, whereon he Teems to lay great weight, though indeed however it be determined it conduceth nothing unto his End, but argues only Come keennefs of Spirit againft them whom he oppofeth, I hhall at large Tran- fcribe the whole ofit. Let us then, (faith he) (I.) fuppofe that Chr f bath by unalterable vies appointed that a Church Ball Gong only, of f ch a number ofmen, as may meet in one Congregation fo qualified ; and that to by entring into Covenant with each other, (whereof we (hall treat hereafter) become a Church and choofe their Officers, who are to Teach and ,,/ld- monifb andadminUler Sacraments, and to exercifè difcipline by the Confintofthe Congregation. And let us (2) fisppoé filch a Church not yet gathered, but there liesfit matter for it difperfeed up and down in feveralparifhes. (3) Let us f p-, pofe D.O. about togatherfilch a Church 5 (q.) Let us14- pofe not one thing peculiar to our Church, required of thefe Members, neither the ,Aerial ign ofthe Croy, nor kneeling at the Communion,&c. I de(ire to knowwhether D. O. be not boundby this unalterable rile, to draw thefé Membersfrom Communion with Parochial Churches on purpofe that they might form a Congregational Church according to Chri.ls Infitution ? either then he muff quit thefe unalterable Rules and InfitutionofChriii, (which he will never do whilfl: he lives) or he muff acknowledge, thatfitting up Congre- gational Church, is the primary Ground of this Separation fromour `Parochial Churches. &c. The