(343) The whole Defignhereof is to prove, that we do not withhold Communion from their Parochial Affemblies, becaufeof the things that arepratlifedand impofedin them, in the Worship ofGod, and Church Rule ; but becaufe ofa necefiity apprehended of Petting up Congregational Churches. I Anfwer, a: We know it is otherwife, and that we plead the true Reafon and that which our Confciences are regu- lated by, in refraining from their Communion, and it is invain for him or any Man elfe to endeavour fo to Bird- lime our underftandings by a multiplicity of Quefrions as tomake usthink we do not judge, what we do judge, or do not do what we know our (elves well enough to do. Ifwe cannot Anfwer sophifines againfl: Motion, we can yet rife up and walk. 2. There thingsare confiftent, and are not capable of being oppofed one to the other; Namely, that we re- frain Communionon the R.eafons alledged, and thereon judge it necefiàry to ere& Congregational Churches ; which we fhould have no occafion todo, were not we excluded from Communion in Parochial Affemblies, as eve are. 3. The Cafe being put untome, I anfwer plainly un- to the Donors laic fuppofition whereon the whole de- pends, that ifMofe things whip h we except again, as being,. unduely praetifed and impoféd in Parochial Affemblies, were removed and taken away, I would hold Commu- nion with them, all the Communion that any one is ob-- liged to hold with any Church, and would in nothing: feparate. NIP