( 3 44 ) feparate from them. This fpoiles the whole Cafe. But then he will fay, I am no Independent ; I cannot help that, he may judge as he fees -Caufe ; for I am nullius addiato jurare in verba agic r is defigning to be the Difciple ofChrift alone. 4. But yet fuppofe that in fuch Churches all the things excepted againft being removed, there is yet a defeec in Tome unalterable Rule, that Concerns the Governmentof the Churches, that they anfwer not in all things the fcriecnefs laid down in the Drs firft fuppofition ( al- though it is certain that ifnot all ofthem abfolutely, yet the mot( of them, and of the molt importance, would be found virtually in Parochial Affemblies, upon the removal ofthe things excepted againft) the Enquiry is, what I would do then, or whether I would not let up a Congregational Church, gathered out ofother Churches; I Anfwer, I tell you plainly what I would do; (z.) If I were joyned unto any fuch Church, as wherein there were a defect in any ofthe Rules appoint- ed by Chrift for its Order andGovernment, I would en- deavour peaceably, according as the Duties ofmy Bate and Calling did require, to introduce the Praílife and Obfervanceof them. (a.) In cafe I could not prevail therein,! would confi der whether the want ofthe things fappofed, were fuch, as toputmeon the pra&ife of any thing unlawful, or cut me thort ofthe neceffarymeans ofEdification; and ifI found they do not fo do, I would never for fuch defeCts fepa- rate or withdraw Communion from fuch a Church. Bu; 5. Sup-