Owen - BX5085 O84x 1681

( 345.) 5. Suppofe that from thefe defec'.ts'fhould arife noton ly a real Ob.flrultion unto Edification, but alfo a necefírity ofpradifing fome things unlawful tobe Obferved,where- in no forbearance could be allowed, I would not con- demn fuch a Church, I wouldnot feparate from it, would not withdraw fromAs of Communion with it, which were Lawful ; but I would peaceably joyn in fixed Per- fonal Communion with fuch a Church as is free fromffach defeás; and if this cannot bedone .without the gather- ing of a new Church,I feeneither Schifme nor Separation in fo doing. Wherefore notwithaánding all the Drs Queflions and his Cafè founded on as many fuppofitions as he was pleafed to make, it abides firm and unfhaken, that the Ground and reafon ofour refraining communion from Parochial Affemblies,is the Prac`aife and Impofition of things not lawful for us to obferve in them. And it is unduely affirmed (p. 223.) that upon my Grounds, separation is neceffáry, not from the particular conditions of Communion with them, but becauf Parochial Churches are notformed after the Congregational way. For what form. ofChurches they have, be it what it will, it is after the Congregational way. And it is more unduely affirmed,and contrary unto the Rules of Chrifhian Charity, that this plea of ours, is a necefrypiece of ./irt to keep fair with the Prefbyterian Party.., For as we deign to keep fair, as it is called, with no Parties, but onely fo far as Truthand Chri3fian Love require, and fo we defign it with all Parties.whatfoever; fo the Plea hathbeen always infift- ed on by us, and was the caufe of `(on-conformity in multitudes of our Perfwafion, before they had any opportunity, to Gather any Congregational Churches according to the Rule of the Gofpel. Such things will never helpnor adorn anyCaufe in the Ifine. X x But