Owen - BX5085 O84x 1681

The Preface. 2 5 fall out and appears evidently fo to have done in the fourth Century, we may briefly enquire into the Caufes and Occafions of it. Churches were originally planted in Cities and Townes for the moft part ; not abfolutely, for the Word wes preached and Churches gathered by the Apofiles xo7 xis zieys, as Clemens te[hfieth. In fuch Cities there was but one Church, whereunto all Beleivers did belong. I mention this the rather becaufe our prefent Author who is pleafed frequently to mifiake my Words and Principles, affirms that the thing which I fhould haveprov- ed, is, that there were more Churches at tillplanted in one City,than one. I know not why I fhould be obliged to dofo, becaufe I never Paid fo. I do believe indeed that theremay be more particular Churches than one, in one City ; and that fometimesit is better that it fhouldbe fo, then that all Beleivers in the fame City, fhould be kept up unto one Congregation to the Obftruerion of their Edification. But that there were originally or in the days oftheApoftles more Churches than one, in any one City or Town, I do wholly deny ; though I grant at the fame time there wereChurches in Villages alto, aswill appear afterwards. But though there was one Church only in one Town or City, yet all the Believers that be- longed unto that Church, did not live in that City, but fundry of them in the Fields and Villages about. So Juflin Martyr tells us, that on the firf} dayofthe week when the Church had its folemn Affemblies, all the Members ofit in the City andout ofthe Country, the Fields and Pillages about, met together in the fame place. In procefs of time thefe Believers in the Country , did greatly encreafe, by the means of the Minifiry of the City-Church, which diligently attended unto the Con- verfion