F346 ) But he preffeth thedue ConnIderationof this Art, (that, as I fuppofe, they may avoid the mare of it) on the Presbyterians, by minding them what was done in for- mer times, in the debate of the diilenting 'Brethren, and the fitting up of congregational Churches in thofe dayes. For faith he, Have thole of the Congregational waylime altered their fudgment ? Hath D. O. yielded that in cafi f me termes of Communion in oar Church, were not inlilted on, they would give over separation? were not their Churches fir.ft gathered out of `PresbyterianCongregations ; and if Presbytery had been f tied upon the Kings 7Zeilauration, would they not havecontinued in their Separation ? ,firfzv. r, There is no Difference that I knowof ;. be- tween 'Presbyterians and thofe whom he calls Indepen- dents , about particular Churches. For the Presbyteri- ans allow them to be of Inftitutiion ; grant them thee. ercife of Difiipline, by their own Elderfhip in all ordinary cafes, and none to be exercifed in them, with- out them or their own content, as alto their Right unto thechoice oftheir own Officers ; fo that there could be no feparation between them on that Account.. 2. When they begin in good earneft to reform them- fIves and to take away the unfufferable Conditions of Communion excepted againtt, they may know more of my Judgment if I am alive, (which I do not believe I ¡hall be) as unto Separation; though I have fpoken un- to it plainly enough already. 3. It cannot be laid, that the Churches of the Indepen- dents weregathered out of Presbyterian Churches, for the Presbyterian Government was never here eftablilbed ; and each Party took Liberty to reform themfelves ac- cording