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( 3 47 ) according to their principles, wherein there was fome difference. 4. Had the Presbyterian Government been fettled at theKings Reftauration, by the Encouragement and Pro- rehtion ofthe PraEtife of it, without a rigorous ImpofEz- on ofevery thing fuppofed by any to belong thereunto, or a mixture of Humane Conftitutions, ifthere had any Appearance of a schifrne or Separation continued be- tween the Parties, I do Judge they would have been both to blame. For as it cannot be expec`fed that all Churches and all Perkins in them, thould agree in all Principles and Prac`tifes belonging unto Church Order, nor was it fo in the dayes of the Apoffles, nor ever fince among any true Churches of Chrift ; fo all the Fundamental `Principles of Church Communion, would have been fo fixed and agreed upon between them, and all offences in Worfhip fo removed, as that it would have been a matter ofno great Art abfolutely to unite them, or to maintain a firmCommunion among them, no more then in the dayes of the Apoftles, and the Primitive times, in Reference to the differences that were amongChurches in thofedayes. For they allow- ed di.ftintt Communion upon dif}in ± Apprehen(ìons of things belonging unto Church Order or Worthip, all keeping the Unity of the Spirit in the Bond of Peace. If it (hail be asked then, why did they not formerly agree in the Afïemby ? I Anfwer, (r.) I was none of them, and cannot tell. (2.) They did agree in my Judgment well enough, if they could have thought fo; and farther I amnot concern'd in the Difference. It is therefore notoriou -s, that occafion is given unto our refraining freeCommunion with Parochial Churcies X x 2 by