(35z) M. Cotton affirms, that the lineaments ofthe Congregati- onal Difcipline are föund in that Church; that there is therein a juft Reprefentation of an Epifcopal Church; that is I prefurne Diocefan, becaufe that alone is unto his pu'rpofe. It is not lawful to make any Church after the time of the Apoftles the Rule of all Church State and Order ; nor yet to be abfolútely determined in there things, by the Authority of any man not divinely in fpired,_ And yet I cannot but with, that all the three par- ties dillenting about Church Order, Rule and Worship, would attempt an agreement between themfelves, upon the Reprefentationmade of the {late of the Church of Carthage in the dayes of Cyprian, (which all of them lay Tome claim unto)although it will be an Abridgement ofTome . of their pretenfions.. It might bring them all nearer together, and it maybe all of them in Tome things nearer to the Truth ; for it is Certain, r. That the Church of Carthage, was at that time a particular Church ; There was no more Church but one in that City. Many occa`onal Meetings and A{femblies in feveral placesfor Diviñe Exercifes, and Woi'(hip there were. But .)sated churches with Officers of their own, Members peculiarly belonging unto them, Difcipline a- mong them, fuch as our Reverend Author Both after- wards affirme and defcribe our Parochial Churches to be, therewere none, nor is it pretended that therewere. 2. That in this one Church, therewere Many`Presby- ters or Elders, who ruled the whole Body or Communi- ty of it, by common Advice and Counfel, whether they were all ofthem, fuch as laboured in the Word and ha- drive, with the Adminiftration of the Sacraments, or attended