Owen - BX5085 O84x 1681

( 353 ) attended unto Ride only, it dothnot appear.But that they were many, and fuch as did not ftand in any peculiar Relation unto any part of the people, but concurd in common, to promote the Edification of the whole Bo- dy, as Occafion and Opportunity did require ; is evi- dent, in the account given of them by C,yprian him- felf. 3. That among thofe Elders, in that one Church, there was one peculiarlycalled the 13ifiop, who did conftant- ly pre(ide amongft them, in all Church affairs, and without whom ordinarily nothing was done, as neither did heany thing, without the advice ofthe Elders, and confent ofthe People. How far this may be allowed for Orders fake is worth con(ideration ; of Divine inftitu- tion it is not. But where there are many Elders, who have equal intereft in, and right unto the rule ofthe whole Church, and the Adminiftration ofall Ordinan- ces, it is neceffary unto Order , that one do prefide in their meetings and confultations, whom cuftom gave force preheminence unto. 4. That the people were ruled by their own confint, and that in things of greateft importance, as the choice of their Officers, the calling out and the receiving in of lapfed members, had their fuffrage in the determination ofthem. 5. That there was no Impoftion of Liturgies, or Ce- remonies, or any humane invention in the Worfhip of God, on the Church or any members of it, the Scrip- ture being the foie acknowledged Rule in Difcipline and Wor(hip. Y y This