Owen - BX5085 O84x 1681

(354) This was the frate and order of the Church ofCar- thage in thofe days, and although there were fome alte- rations in it, from the firft divine Inftitution of Chur- ches, yet I heartily will', that there were no more dif- ference amongIt us, then what would remain upon a fuppofitionofthis ftate. For what remains ofthe Oppofition made unto what I had affertedconcerning Congregational or particular Churches, I may referre the Doctor and the Reader, unto what hath been farther pleaded concerning them, in the preceding difcourfe , nor am I fatisfied that he bath given any fitfficient anfwer unto what was before alledged in the vindication, but hath paffed by what was molt pregnant with Evidence unto the Truth, and by a miftake of my mind or Words diverts very much from the !late of the Queltion, which is no other but what I laid down before, yet I will confider what isma- terial in the wholeofhis Difcourfe on this fubjedt. SECT. 5. p. 234., He fsys, I affirm that as to the matter offast concerning the InflitutionofCongregational -Churches, it fears evidently exemplyfed in the Scripture; for which I referre the Reader unto what is now again declared in the confirmation of it. And he adds, The matter of Fait is that when Churches grew too big for one (tngle Congregation in a City, then a new Congregational Church was fet up under new Officers, with a feparatepower ofGovernment ; that is in that City. But this is not at all the matter of Fast. I do not fay that there were originally more particular Churches then one in one City ; I do grant, in the words next quoted by him, that