Owen - BX5085 O84x 1681

) that there is not exprefs mention tirade, that any fuch Church did divide it Pelf intomore Congregations with new Officers. But this is the matter of Fact, that the Apoftles appointed onely particular Congregations, and that therefore they didnot oblige the Chriftians about in a Province or Diocefs, to be ofthat Church which was firft erected in any Town or City, but they found- ed new Churches, with newOfficers oftheir own, in all places where there were a filfficieht number ofBeliev- ers, to make up fuch a Church. And this I prove, from the inftance of the Church ofHieruf lem, which was firft planted; but quickly after there were Chur- ches gathered and fettled in Judea, Gallilee, and Sama- ria. They planted Churches, K V 7dnsis xdtas in the Citiesand Villages as Clemens fpeaks.But, what faith he,is this to the proof of the Congregational way, this it is, namely, That the Churches inftituted by the Apoftles were all of them Congregational, not Diocefan , `Pró- vincial or 5Cational ; but faith he, the thingIdegred was, that when the Ch.'rians in one City multiplyed into more Congregations, they would prove that they did make new and diflina Churches ; He may defire it of them who grant that the Chriftians did multiply in one City, into more Congregations then one (which I deny) un- till the end of the fecond Century ; although they might and did occalionally meet, efpecially in times of Perfecution in diftin&Affemblies. Neither will their multiplication into more Congregations without diflinct Officers, at all help thecaufe he pleadeth_for; for his Diocefan Church, cónfiíteth of many diflinét Churches with their diftinét Officers, Order and Power, as he afterwards defcribes our Parifhes to do under one Bi- {hop. Yet fuch is his apprehenfion, of the jufiice ofhis Y y 2 caure,