( 3 57 ) But faith he. p. ,236. Icannot but wonder what O. means,-when after he bath produced 'the Evidence ofdifiina Churches in thefame Province, he calls this plain Scripture Evidence and prallifefir the ereLling particular d?ina Congregations; who denies that ê (I fay then, it is incum- bent on him toprove, if he do any thing in this caufe, that they ere&ed Churches of another fort, kind and order alto.) But faith he, I fee nothing like a proof, of dglinC Churches in thefame City, which was the thing to beproved, but becaufe it could not be proved, was prudent- y let alone.. But thiswas not the thing, to be proved; . nor did;I' propofe it toconfirmation, nor a ffert it, but have prov- ed the contrary unto the end of the fecond Century. This only I.affert that every Church in one City, was only one Church ; and nothing is offered by the Dottor to the contrary,. yea he affirms the fame. But faith he , fe&. 6. p. 2.37. Dr. O. faith, That the Chrians ofone City might not exceed the bounds ofa particular Church or Congregation, no although they had a multiplication ofBifhops or Elders in them, . and occallonal di.ftinCAffimblies for f me ACs of Divine Worfsp. But then, faith he, The notion of a church is not limited in the Scripture toa f ngle congregation. Why fo ; for faith he, if occafional Affemblies be allowed for fome Mts. of Wor- Jbip, whynot for others ; I fay becaufe they belong unto the whole Church, or are As of Communion in the whole Church Affembled, and fo cannot be obferved in occa- flonaimeetings, do this faith the Apotlle, whenyou ,come together in one place. And i ffaith he, the number ofEl- dersbe unlimited, then every:,ofthofe may attend the.occa4- anal,