Owen - BX5085 O84x 1681

( 360 ) The Church of Jeruf lens had 5coo in it at the fame time ; the word grew andprevailed at Ephefus and other places ; whereto I thall briefly anfwer as haftning unto a clofe of this unpleafing labour. I fay therefore. z. Whatever difficulty may feem to be in this matter, yet in point of Fa&, fo it was ; there was no Church before the end of the fecond Century of any other fle- cks, nature or kind, but a particular Congregational 'Church only, as hath been proved before ; let any one inftance be produced ofaChurch of one denomination, 7ational, `Provincial, or Diocefn, or ofany other kind then that which isCongregational, and I will give over this conteft. But when a matter of Fact is certain, it is too late to enquire how it might be. And on this occa- fon I (hall add that ifin that (pace of time, namely, be- fore the end ofthefecoed Century,anyproofor undoubted Teftimonycanbe produced, ofthe Impofition ofthe ne- ceiary ufe ofLiturgies,or offtatedCeremonies of the pra- c`tife ofChurch difcipline confiftent with that now in ufe in the Church ofEnglamad, it will go a great way in the determination of the whole Controverfie between us. 2. The admirable prevalency of theGoffiel in thofe days, confi[ted principally in its fpreading it felfall theWorld over, and planting feminaries for farther converfions in all Nations. It did indeed prevail more in force Cities and Towns then in others ; in 'force places many were converteel, in others the tender ofit was utterly relat- ed ; how be it it prevailed not unto thegathering offuch great numbers into any Church folely, as might dettroy, or be inconfiftent with its Congregational Inftitution. For