Owen - BX5085 O84x 1681

( 361 For not all, not it may be half not fometimes a third Fart, ofthem who made fome Profeííionof the "Truth, and attended unto the Preaching of the Word, and many ofwhom underwent Martyrdom, Were admitted as compleat Members of the Chúrch, unto all the parts ofits Communion. Hence there were many who upon a general account were efteemed Chriflians, and that juflly, where the Churches were but fmall. 3. It doth not appear that in the next Age after the Apoftles, the Churches were any where fo increafed in number as to bear the leaft Proportion with the Inhabi- tants ofthe Cities and Towns wherein they were. The Church of Smyrna in the dayes ofTo/yicarpla may juftly be efleemed one of the greatefl in thofe dayes, both fom the Eminency of the Place and Perfn who was juftly accounted the great Inftructer of all Aa, as they called him when he was carried unto the Stake. But thisChurch giveth fch an Account ofit felfin itsEpiftle unto theChurches of`Pontos about the Martyrdom of *Toycarpur-s, as tnanifefl the Church there to have been a veryfmall number, in Comparifon of the multitude of the other Inhabitants, fo as that it was fcarcely known who or what they were. Eufeb. lib. 4. cap. 15. So in the Excellent Epiflle of the Churches ofVienna and'Ly- ons, unto the Churches ofAfa andPhrygia, concerning the Perfecutions that befell them, as they declare them Pelves to have been particular Churches oncly, fo they make it evident that they bore in number no proportion unto the Inhabitants ofthe places where they were, who could fcarce difcover them by the moft dilig ent fearch. Eifeeb. lib. 5. cap, r. 4.. As