( 362 ) 4· As for the Church of.Hierufolcm in particular,not– withfranding the great number of its original Converts-, who pro~ably were many ofthem £l:rangers, occafional- • ly prefent at the Feaft of'Pentecoft, and there infrrufred in the knowledge ofthe Truth,that they might in the fe– veral Countries whither they immediately returned, be .inftrumems of the propagation of the Gofpel, it is Cer– tain that many years after it confifted of no greater Mul– titude then could come together in one place, to the Mannagemem of Church Affairs Atls~ 15. 20, 2 r. Nor is it likely that Pella an obfcure place, whofe name pro– bably had never been known, but on this occaGon~ was like to receive any great Multitudes ; . nor doth Epipha1tiu.r fay, as our Authour pretends, that they fpread themfelves from thence to CtE!ojjria and Decapolh: and Bafaniti:f. For he affirmes exprefly that all the Difciples which went fromHierufalemdwelt at Pella. Only he fays that from thence the Seer of the :J.(;tzarenes, tQOk its original, which fpread it felf (afterward~) in Co:!o.Jjria, Decapoli:f and 'Bafaniti:f. t1Gfi9sv ,Jr, » J.rx.~ y/)!Jvs ( fpeak– ing of that Sect) twn£ -rHv tl~~ iteJav"-J~v ~.«m>11m ; mlv'7fllv Jltl f14~V <., niMn rJJIGIJ~mv; They dwelled all at 'Pella. · Sea. 7. p. 2 39· He quote~' another faying of mine, namely, that I cannot difcern the leaf} mcejjity of any po(itive Rule or Direllion in this Matter , fieing the . Nature of the thing, and the• duty of Man doth indi.JPen– Jibly requite it. And hereon he AttemEts to make advantage, in oppofition unto another ·iliyif!g as he fuppofeth of mine ; Namely, that the Injlit1tlion of Ch11rches, and the Rules for their difpofal a.nd Government throughout the World are thefame, Dated and Hnalterahle; from whence he makes many_ inferences to