( 364 ) I shall not farther concern my fell to confider things Charged but not proved, repeated but not Confirmed, depending on a mifunderffanding, or mifapprehenfion of Words, wherein the merit of the Caufe is not con- cerned. That which I firft undertook was a Vindication of the Non-conformiffs from the Charge of the Guilt ofSchiffne. And this I ingaged in for no other Reafon, but to re- move as far as in me lay, the Obftru&ion that feemed to be cafe by theDrs. Sermon unto the uniting ofall Prote- ffants in the fame Common Intereff againff Popery. For although the Defign might be Good, as I hope it was, and he might judge well of the Seafonablenef ofwhat he propofed unto its End ; yet we found it, it may be from the Circumftances of it, as unto time and place) to beofa contrary tendency, to the railing ofnew dif- putes, creating of new Jealoufies, and weakning the hands of Multitudes, who were ready and willing to joyn entirely in oppofition unto Papery, and the de- fence of the Proteffant Religion. For if a Party of Souldiers (as the Dr. more then once alludes unto that fort of men ) fhould be drawing up in a field, with others, tooppofe a Common Enemy, force Perlons of great Authority and Command in the Army, should go unto them, anddeclare, that they were not to be trued, . that they themfelves were Traytors and Enemies, fit to be deffrayed when the Common Enemy was d f atched or reconciled, it would certainlyabate of their Courageand Refolution in what they were undertaking, with no lets hazard; then any others in the Army. I.have: