Owen - BX5085 O84x 1681

The Preface. 29 hard to conje&ure how a gated Dffinc`uion between i3ifFhops and Presbyters did afterwards enfue. For as the firft Elder, Bithop, or Paftor, had obtained this fmall Preheminence in the Church wherein he did pre- fide, and the Affemblies of the Villages about, fo the Mannagement of thole Affairs of the Church,. which they had in Communion with others, was committed unto him, or affumed by him. This gave them the Ad- vantage of meeting in Synods and Councils afterwards, wherein they did their own Bufinefs unto the Purpofe. Hereon in a thort time the People were deprived of all their Intereft in the State of theChurch,fo as tobegover- ned by their ownConfeent,which indeed they alto had ren- dred themfelves unmeet to enjoy and exercife ; other El- ders were deprived of that Powerand Authority which is committed unto them byChrift; and thruft down into an Order or Degree inferior unto that wherein they were originally placed ; New Officers in the Rule of the Church, utterly unknown to the Scripture and Pri- mitive Antiquity, were introduced ; all Charitable Do- nations unto the Church, for themaintenance of the Mi- niftry, the Poor, and the RedemptionofCaptives, were for the molt part abufed, to advance the Revenues of the Bithops ; fuch fecular Advantages in Honour, Dig- nity and Wealth were annexed unto Epifopal Sces, as that Ambitious Menihamefully contefted for the attain- ing ofthem, which. in the Inftance of the bloody con- fli& between the Parties of Damafus and Vrfcius at Rome, Ammianus alarcellinus an Heathen doth greatly and wifely refle&upon. But yet all thefe Evils were as nothing in comparifan of that dead Sea ofthe Woman Tyranny and Idolatry, whereinto at laft thefe bitter Waters ran, andwere therein totally Corrupted.