Owen - BX5085 O84x 1681

li 34 The Preface. tempted before them, by Men Wife, Learned and Holy, even in this Nation. Such-was that which was endea- voured by Wickliffe andhis Followers, in giving Tefti mony whereuntomany fufferedMartyrdom, and prepa- red the way unto thofe that were to come after. They approved ofwhat was then done or attempted to be done for the Subftance of it; yet efteemed themfelves at Liberty tomake a furtherProgrefs in the fame Work, which they did accordingly. Surely fuch Perfons never defigned their own Judgment and Prac&ice togive Boun- daries unto all Reformation for Evermore; orpretended that they had made fo perfe& a Difcovery of the Mind of Chriít in all things belonging unto the Rule and Worthip ofthe Church ; as that it thouldnot only be vain, but linful tomake any farther Enquiries about Sit. Some thought they were come unto the utmoft limits of Navigation, and difcovery of the Parts ofthe World, before theWefi-Indies were found out. And fomemen when in any kind they know as much as theycan, are apt to think there is no more to be known. It was not fb with our Reformers. 2. They did not at once make what they had done themfelves to be afixed Ride in thefe things. For them- felves mavle many Alterations in the Service Bookwhich they firft compofed ; And if they judgednot their firft Endeavour to be fatisfadory to themfelves, they had no Reafon to expect their fecond íhould be a ftandingRule unto allfuture Ages. Nor did they fo, but frequently acknowledged the Imperfe&ion of what they had done. 3. The firft Reformers, both Bithops and others,both thofe who underwent Martyrdom at home, and thofe who