Owen - BX5085 O84x 1681

38 The Preface. And it were no difficult Task, to compofe a Story of the proceedings of force in the ChurchofEngland with referenceunto there Differences,that would have as ill an Afpe& as thatwhich is here reported. Should an Ac- count be given of their unaccountable Rigor and. Seve- rity, in that, through fo many years, yea Ages, they would never think of the leaft .A'batement of their Impo- litions, in any one Inftance, though acknowledged by themfelves indifferent, and efteemed byothersunlawful; although they faw what woful Detriment arofe to the Churches thereby ; Yea, how inftead thereof theydid to the laft of their Power, make a Progrefs in the fame court, by attempting new Canons to enflame theDiffe- rence, and encreafed in Severities towards all Diffenters; Should an Account be givenof the Silencings, Depriv-. ings, Imprifònings, by tk High Conniiiffion Court, and inmolt of the Diocefles a the Kingdom, of fo great Numbers of Godly, Learned, Faithful, Painful Mini- fiers, to the unfpeakable dífadvantagé of the Church and Nation with the Ruine ofthe aloft of themand their Families ; theReprefentation oftheir Names; Qualifica- tions, evident ufefulnefs in theMiniftry, with the Caufes oftheir Sufferings, wherein the Obfervance of force Ceremonies was openly preferred before the Edification ofthe Church, and a great Means ofthe Converfion of Souls ; would give as ill a Demonftration of Chriftian Wifdom,Love, Moderation, Condefcenfion, Zeal for the Propagation of the Gofpel, as any thing doth, on the other hand, in the Hiftory before us. It would not be omitted on fich an Occafion to declare whatMultitudes of pious, peaceable Proteftants, were driven by their Severities to leave their Native Country, to feek a Re- fuge for their Lives and Liberties, with freedom for the Worfhip