Owen - BX5085 O84x 1681

4.0 The. `Preface. belonging unto itsWorfhip Alf° 5 I fuppofe this will not be denyed. 2.There doth not remainanyRecord,of a due Attempt and Endeavour for the compofing thefe Differences be- fore one certain way was eftablifhed by thole in Power. And whereas theState and condition wherein they were at that time, from the confufions about Religion that were then abroad, and the pertinacioufnefs of theGene- rality ofthe People in an Adherence unto their oldways and Obfervances in Religion, with a great Scarcity in able Minifters, the greateft part ofthe Bithops and Clergy difliking the whole efor/nation, they found themfelves as they judged neceffitated to make as little Alteration in the prefent ftate ofthings aswas poffible, fo as to keep up an Appearance of the fame things in the Church, which had been in former life. On thefe Grounds the State and Rule of the Church was continued in the fame form and pofture that it was before under the `Papacy, the Authorityof the Tope only being excluded, and the Power of difpofal of Ecclefiaftical Affairs ufurped by him, declared tobe in the King. So alCo in imitation of that Tool(ofWorfhip and Service which the People had been accuftomedunto, another was eftablifhed, with the Ceremonies moft obvious unto popular Obfervation. 3. This Order was unfatisfaftory unto great Num- bersof Minifters and others, who yet confidering what the neceffity of the Times did call for, did outwardly acquiefce in it, in feveralDegrees, in hopes ofa farther Rep- in a more convenient feafon. Nor did they ceafe to plead and pref for it by all quiet and peace- able meanes 5 abftaiining in the mean time, from the ufe