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il 44 The Preface. But Separation it is and :Schifine which we are all charged withal, and the Evil thereofis aggravated in the Words of the Author himfelf, and in large Tranfcripti- ons out ofthe Writings ofothers. Schifine indeed we ac- knowledge to be an Evil, a great Evil; but are lorry that with Tome, a pretended, unprovedSchifine is become almoft all that is Evil in the Churches or their Members; fo that let men be what they will, drenched, yea, over- whelmed in Ignorance, Vice and Sin, fo they do not feparate (which to be Cure, in that fiate they will not do, for why íhould he who hath Plague Sores upon him, depart from the Society of them that are infested) they feem to be efteemed as unto all the concerns of the Church, very unblameable. The Truth is, confidering the prefent Stateand Con- dition of the Inhabitants of this Nation ; who are ge- nerally Members of the Church England, how the Land is filled withfinagainfi the Holy One ofIfrael, God giving us every day renewed Tokens and Indications of his Difpleafure, no compliance with his Calls, no pub- lick Reformation being yet attempted; it feems a more neceffary Duty and of more importance unto them, upon whom the care offuch things is incumbent, toendea- vour in themfelves, and to ingage a Faithful Miniftry throughout the Nation, both to give a clue Example in their Converfations, and to Preach the Word with all diligence, for the turningof the People from the Evil of their ways ; then to fpend their time and ftrength in the Mannagment of fuch Charges againft thole who would willingly comply with them, as unto all the great Ends ofReligionamongft men. But this muff be farther fpooken unto.I fay therefore r. In