Owen - BX5085 O84x 1681

iÏ I! 46 The Preface. (4.) That to with-hold Communion from Parochial ;,fmblies in the Worfhip of God, as unto things con- fef3fedly not ofDivine Inftitutíon, is Schifme, that kind ofSchifine which is condemned by the Antient Writers of the Church. Upon there and the like fuppofitions, it is no uneafie thing to make vehement Declamations againft us, and fevere Refiehtions on us ; all is Schifane and Schifmaticks, and all of the fame kind, with what was written againft by Cyprian and .4&in, and others a great many. But the true Rate of the Controverfie between him and us, is this and no other ; namely, Whether a Dfjént in and Forbearance from the Communion ofChurches, in their Rate and kind not ofDivine Inflitution, orfofar as they are not of Divine Izflitution, andfrom Things in o- ther Churches that havenofilch Divine Inflitution, nor any Scriptural Authority to oblige #s unto their Obfervance, be to be esteemed Schfne in them who maintain and profefdly avow Communion in Faith and Love with all the true Churches of Chrift in the World. This is the whole of what we are concerned in, which where it is fpoken unto, it (hall be confidered. But becaufethere were in the Primitive Churches, certain Perlons who onArbitra- ry Principles oftheir own, confifting for the molt part ingrofandpalpable Errors, which they would have im- poled on all others , did feparate from the Catholick Church, that is all other Chriftians in theWorld, and all the Churches ofChrift, condemning them as no Chur- ches, allowing not the Adminiftration of Sacraments un- to them, nor Salvation unto their Members, whom the Antient Church condemned with great feverity and that juftly as guilty ofSchfine, their Judgment, their Words and