Owen - BX5085 O84x 1681

·The 'Preface. 47 and Expreffions are applyed unto us, who are no way concerned in what they fpeak of or unto. We are not therefore in the leafl: terrified with what is al– ledged out of the Antients about Sch!fine, no more then heis, when the fame Infl:ances, the fame Authori– ties, the fame Qgotations, are made ufe of by the Pa– pifl:s againft theChurchofEngland, as they are continu– ally. For, as was faid, we know that we are no way con– cerned in them. And fuppofe that all that the Dr. al– ledgeth againfr us be true, and that we are in the wrong in all that is Charged on us, yet I dare refer it to the Dr. hirnfelf to determine, whether it be of the fame · nature with what was Charged on them who made Schifrnes in the Church ofold. I fuppofe I guefs well enough what he will fay, to fecure his Charge, and it ihall be confi– dered where it is fpoken. But, as was faid, the great and only Delign of the Author of this Book, is to prove all Non-conformi(l:s to be Schifmatfck.f, org11ilty ofthe Sin of Schijine. How he hath fucceeded in this Attempt, fhall be afterwards con– fidered. And fornething I have fpoken in the enfuing Difcourfe, concerning the NatHre ofSchifme, which will manifefr how little we are concerned in this Charge. But yet it may not be amifs in this place, to mind both him , and others, of (orne of thofe "Principle_s whereon we ground our Jufiification in this Matter, that it may be known what they mufr further overthrow, and what they mufr efrablifh who fhall perGfr in the Mannagement ofthis Charge ; that is indeed through want of Love, in a deGgn to heighten and perpetuate our Divifions. And, The fir({ of thefe Principles is; That there is a 'J?.!tle prcfcribed