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The `Preface. 5 I according to the Meafrre oftheir Exortitancy. As fuppafe that any Preach, Teach, or Profefs Doc`krines, that are . contrary to theform ofwholefome Words, efpecially with reference-unto the Perlon, Offices, andGrace of' Chrift, . which are the Subjeá of Do&rines purely Evangelical, they breakthe Peace ofthe Church, and we are bound to feparate or withdrawCommunion from them, which is a Means ofpreferving the true Peace and Unity of the Church. Speciofum quidem elf Women `Pads, & pul- chra Opinio 7Jnitatis, fed quis ambigat eamfolam, unicam, Ecclefie Pacem ef, que Chrifli eft 5 faith Hilary. Sup- pofe that men retain a Form of . odlinefs in the Profeffi- onofthe Truth, but deny the `Power of it, aging their habitual Lufts and Corruptions, in a vitious Converfa- tion ; they overthrow the Foundation of the Churches Unity, and we are obliged from fuchto turn away. The like may be laid ofthofe who live in a conflant neglect of any ofthe Commands of Chrift, with refpe&unto the Order, Rule and Worfhip of the Church, with a con- tempt ofthe Means appointed by him for their Edifica- tion. All thefe according unto the Meafures of their Deviations from the Rule of Chrift, do difturb the Foundationofall Church Peace and Unity. And there- fore we fay ; Fourthly ; That Confluence is immediately and direflly concerned in noother ChurchVnity asfuch, but what is an etaof the ?uleofChrifl given unto that End. We know what is fpoken concerning Obedience unto the Guides and Rulers ofthe Church, which is a part ofthe Rule of Chrift. But we know withal, that this Obedience is required ofus, only as they teach us to obferve and do all that he hath commanded, for other Commiffion H 2 from