The Preface. 55 and pra&ifed, which fome diligently colle&ed fromOld Men, (it may be almoft delirant) as Eufebius gives an ìnftance in Papias, lib. 3. cap. 36. And even the great Ireneus himfelf, was impofed upon, in a Matter direaly contrary to the Scripture, under a Pretence of Apo cal Tradition. Among thofe Reports was that ofthe Olfrvationof Eafler. And for a while the Churches continued in there different Obfervances, without the leaft difturbance of their Communion, each one follow- ing that which it thought the molt probable Tradition, for Rule ofScripture they pretended not unto. But after a while they beganto fill into a Conteft about thefe things, which began at Laodicea, which Church was as likely to ftrrve about fuch things as any other. For Eufeebius tells us, that eelito the Bithop ofSardis, wrote twoBooks about Eafier, beginning the firft with an Account that he wrote them, when Servilius Paulus was Proconful, therebeing then agreat fir about it, at Laodicea. Eufeb. lib. 4. cap. 25. But as it falls out on fuch Occafions, much talk and difputing enfuing thereon, the differences were encreafed, until one fide or Party at Variance, would make their Opinion and Praftife the pule and Terms of Communionunto all other Churches. But this was quickly condemned by thofe who wereWife and Sober. For as Zozoman affirmes, they accounted it a frivolow orfoolifh thing to differ about a Cuffom, whereas they agreed in all the principal Heads of Religion. And thereon he gives a large Account ofdifferent Rites and Obfervances inmany Churches, without anybreach of Communion amongthem ; adding, that betides thofe enumeratedby him, there weremany others in Cities and. Villageswhich . they did in a different manner adhere unto. Hill.. lib. 7.. cap. 19, At-