Owen - BX5085 O84x 1681

58 The Preface. of reje&ing Men othermife found in the Faith from Com- munion , for Non- Conformity, or the Nen-Obfccrvance of Humane Inftitutions or Traditions, which had there- in an unhappy Confècrationunto theufe offuture Ages; fò it was the firft notorious entrance into that Ufurpation ofPower, in theRoman `bifbops, which they carried on by degrees unto an abfolute Tyranny. Neither was there ever a more pernitious YJ1axime broached in the Primitive Times, nor which had a more effectual Influ- ence into the Ruine ofthe firtt Inftitution and-Liberty of the Churches of Chrift. For although the Fact of Vic`or, was condemned by many, yet the Principle he proceeded on , was afterwards efpoufed and put in Practice. Our Reverend .Áuthor will hardly find an Inftance before this ofschifine among any Churches that retained the Subitanee of the Do&rine of Faith, unlefs it be in thole Divilions which fell out in forme particular Chur- ches, among the Members ofthem. And this we affirm to be in general the Cafe of the icon-confarmiffs at this day: For admitting fuch Variations as Time and other °Circumftances mutt neceffarily infer, and they are reje&cd from Communion on the fame grounds, that Victor proceeded on in the Excommunication of the chur- ches ofAfra. Neither will there be any End of Diffe- rences whilft the fame Principle is retained. Before this, sciifine,was:only eftecmed a defe& in Love and breach of the Rule of Chrifts Appointment, for the Commu- nion and walking together of Believers in the rime Church. But this Notion of sch.fm is in the Judgment, of Dr. OA Pref. p. 46. f Mean,. fo jejune, f narrow a Notion of