Owen - BX5085 O84x 1681

The Preface. d r and Vnityofthe church, on this Ground principally, be- caufi they are not ofthe ,ffpointment, nor have the Appro- bation ofJefss Chrifi, though he thould miftake herein and mils ofhis Duty, is guilty of no lets fin than that of, Inrder; fuppofe. of Cain in Killing his Brother ? For all Murder is fromHatred and Malice. This is that whichenflames the Differences amongft us. For it is a' Scandal of the higher( nature, when men do fee that Perfons who in any thing diflènt fromour cciclaßical Conilitutions, though otherwife, fober, honeft, pio.is and peaceable, are looked'on as bad, if not worfe than Theives and Murderers; and are dealt withal according- ly. Norcan any thing be more effectual to harden o- thers in their Immoralities, than to find ,themfèlves ap- proved by theGuides of theChurch in comparifon with.. filch Diffenters. But (2.) Who is it that thall make thefe Orders and. Conftitutions that muff be"obferved for the Prefervation. oftheUnityand Peace ofthe Church It can be none but thole who have power _lb to do 'by being uppermojnh in, . any.Place, or Time. Who hill judge them,to.be Law- ful ? no doubt they that make them. And what fhall. thefe Conftitutions be about, what (hall they extend; unto ? any thing in the World, fo there be no mention of it:. in the scripture;. one way or other.. What if . any ono thould now difTent from there Conftitutions and not fub= mit unto them? why then he is guilty of schifine,. as:. great and dangerousa fin as that of Murder. But when, all is. done ; what if thefe Corflitutiont. and Orders. fhould be noways needfal or ufefulunto the Prefervation ofthe-Peace of the Church? What if a fitpporition that they arefa, refleéts díllionour on the, W,fdom and Love. of