Owen - BX5085 O84x 1681

To the Reader.. the Protefiant qVigion among ta, is evident unto all.. But things are fallen out more according unto the humour of the Times, or rather thefüppofed Inte reft offorre, then any juft rational projections. For what other fuccefs this Book bath had, Iknow not, nor amfolicitous, Certain it is that many, of the fame mind and perfivalion with himfel f, have been encourag_ ed and emboldened by it, Confidently to report that the Non-Conformilts are great promoters of the Papal Intereft, yea and do the work of the Papfls. to facilitate its IntroduFtion. For it is now made fo: evident in the preface of that book(Iwill notfay on what Topicks whichfeem not wakeful Thoughts infuchan important Cau e,and fuch afeafon a this is)that noman need doubt oche Truth of it. Some indeed think that it were betterat this time,to Confider how toget out Popery fromamong us,than to Contendabout the ways whereby. it came in, as unto our prefent Danger ofit. But if nothing will prevail againft the .efolutions of others, influenced by Intereft, and thefweetnefs ofprefent ad. vantages, to defaft from this Enquiry, it will be ne- ce f fary that fuch an account be given of. the. true Rea- fins and Means of the advance of Popery in. this Nati. on,. as !ball give them occafion to confider themfelves- and their own ways ; For we are to lookfor the Cauls. ofuch Fleas, in things and means, that arefuited and fitted. to be produEive of them, fo as that they cannot